The World Social Summit Needs Volunteers

12 April 2000
The World Summit on Social Development (Geneva 2000) will take place 26 to 30 June. To help make it a success International Conference Volunteers (ICV) is recruiting 300 volunteers. Host families are also needed to provide free lodging for international volunteers and delegates from developing countries.

Geneva 2000 will take place during the Special Session of the United Nations Geneva Assembly to review how much has been done to meet their commitments by the 186 countries who met at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen).

At the same time, the Geneva 2000 Forum will offer a unique opportunity to NGOs, parliamentarians and syndicalists, as well as professional groups and representatives of business, industry and the media to debate whether progress has been made in social development. There is still disagreement over whether globalisation offers potential for a better life or will become a further threat to those who live in the shadow of poverty and conflict. 

Since the Geneva 2000 Forum budget is limited, volunteers are urgently needed. Therefore, ICV has launched an appeal to those of whatever age or nationality who are willing to make a personal contribution. Many of the volunteers will need lodging. Some delegates and members of small NGOs will only be able to participate if they can find free accommodation. People in the Geneva community can thus make an important contribution towards allowing those with limited means to make their voices heard.

ICV has worked successfully in conferences such as the 12th World HIV/AIDS Conference and the 10th International Conference on Reduction of Drugs Related Harm. ICV will ensure the training of volunteers to work in many areas, such as reception and transport of delegates, audio-visual centres, the press room, with computer technology and offering non-professional interpretation and translation. Everything will be done to adapt the individual skills and personal preferences of the volunteers to the tasks they will carry out.

Those willing to participate either as hosts or volunteers should contact:

International Conference Volunteers (ICV)
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