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Communications and Journalism

Volunteers Making the News

The diversity and density of information is very high in social and humanitarian events. Limited budgets often restrict access to a fortunate few.

ICVolunteers recruits and trains reporters to create, review and post summaries of sessions, articles and interviews online using a specially designed online reporting system.

Using a three-phase editing workflow, reports may appear on the web site within hours of the session. Each person is issued their own password, allowing them to log in and access the reporting system according to their assigned group:

The reports may be subsequently combined with additional materials as desired to create and print a final CD-ROM Report for the event. This service allows participants of the various conferences, as well as anyone interested --throughout the world-- to be informed about the results of the discussions.

The news service is also an excellent opportunity for students, young journalists and others to learn about and actively contribute to an event to which they would otherwise not have had access to.

Desktops or Rooftops

About half of our volunteers reside in and around Geneva (Switzerland), where our headquarters is located. We also have offices and representations in Canada, France, Mali, Senegal, Spain and South Africa. In addition, we recruit volunteers for projects taking place in other parts of the world. With training, reporters can make their voice heard from home and anywhere else.

Past reporting projects included: the Health Forum of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) (2007/8), the first Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum, the Aid and Trade fair (2006/7/8), the Geneva Health Forum (2006/8), training for the Swiss Proteomics Society (2006), World Knowledge Dialogue Symposium (2006), the International Forum of Montreal (2005), on the Commission on Human Rights, S-Dev 2005, World Summit on the Information Society (2003-2005), IAVE News for the World Volunteer Conference in Barcelona (2004), Reporting for the 3rd World Summit on Internet and Multimedia (WSIM) (2002), the 4th International Conference on Healthcare Resource Allocation for HIV/AIDS and Other Life Threatening Illnesses volunteers (2000), 12th World AIDS Conference (1998).

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